The welcome mat is always out. Front-door guests are pleasures & back-door guests are treasures. This blog is for all Christians and whoever loves to write or read, pleasures and treasures alike. A few soreheads would be OK, too.
Our blog is heartspun creativity transformed into a spacious dreamscape spread out virtually for sharper visuals. Launching context from a writer's keen sense of articulate skills at sleuthing I seek images created from artistry that are shiny, sparkly, animated, and associated with my passions as a writer/author or my life/lifestyle and memories, as well with the members here I adapt their pages to their themes or likes. I adore music links, especially gospel and sing-along tunes from the '60s and '70s, that fill my soul within. Country, Jazz, Rock and Roll through to classical, I love music. I hope you enjoy and appreciate the complex reflection of my gleaning from life, as I often post videos to enhance what any page reflects.
Everyone here is from all walks of life from around the world! I am extremely excited to be redesigning the old site and to delve into interviews with new authors, poets, poetesses, and readers involved with the writing trade and others along my journey.
My name is Gina Ann Watkins Day. I am 68 years of age as of August 7th, 2024. I was born in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, then after adoption, I grew up in Lynchburg, Tennessee (Moore County). I live down the road from that now in Pulaski, but it is just as beautiful here, as it is there.
I developed one massive trade blog in the past, yet it did not meet my needs to share with others of the trade on its own. I have enjoyed many other delightful bloggers' creativity with their version of a self-spun blog, instead of a cookie-cutter site and we shared mutual interests here on Blogger. Like-minded folks are so much more stimulating to your personal growth and lifestyle.
I am a very passionate Christian who enjoys life through Jesus Christ. I enjoy walking and talking with Him, learning from Him, along with the Bible. He gets me through life's jungles and webs because as a sinner, I often stumble and blunder, or simply I am running out of Satan's grasp. I am excited the most to meet and greet people, present interesting topics, and work my own style into the middle.
So, now I continue developing this second version blog. I invite you to journey along with me as life unfolds at a much slower pace, in the "Granny Lane" meandering unbeaten paths as well as familiar haunts.
This blog produces a combination monthly newsletter and especially represents a community for writers created by writers. I market my work through my publishing brand, Tenntrade Publishing. The newsletter WRITER'S WINGS & THINGS is a publication of communication, education, fellowship, and enlightenment which aids in highlighting each participating author and their works. Any sales are linked to the author to manage his or her finances. An author will retain full copyright and ownership of anything submitted, even for the newsletter submissions. We act on your behalf as simply to acknowledge and represent your work FREE, as long as you abide by member rules, which are simple and few.
This entire community will be a catalyst of extraordinary power for you to network with like-minded Christians/writers/authors/readers and market your books while creating manuscripts you have in your hearts.
In October 1995 we launched a beta version of Writer's Wings and Things. It was a great start, but we have a much grander vision and more energy to create a blog, unlike any cookie-cutter same old same old views, site for our writers. The blog as an online publication only will provide articles, links, resources, and the like for the WHOLE person, yet give a writer opportunity to meet many challenges of industry proportion. YOU supply the talent and give God the glory.
Bear with us as we apply our creativity, elbow grease, and experience in the coming months. We would be more than happy to hear from you and your ideas. We truly are not a cookie-cutter site in any form or fashion. It is exciting and delightful, but definitely not boring or mundane.
Submit an article for our online ezine here and get full credit. We encourage you to create your own creative personal blog right here on Blogger to better enable links to you or we can design for you and your personality here in our community to showcase your work, poetry, and more. You will be a part of our history as we journey forward and develop a Christian Writers' Marketing Network within this community of creative talent.
The articles in Writer's Wings & Things are shared with credit to your name or pen name. Tenntrade Publishing is a publication of EagleCrest Literary Agency for my published work only. ECLA is the hub of endeavors representing the community as a supervisory or leadership role only.
Our purpose registered is to strive to Inspire the Individual, Empower the Christian, and Motivate the Writer. We give God the glory.
You can write to your heart's content here and every time you do, you have the opportunity to mingle with authors, writers, and readers. You can also add books of interest to the Books & Nooks blog, however, be sure to add a short synopsis of the book, as well as a link. No vulgar language, hate speech, nor nudity or other sexual images/excerpts in what you write. Offenders will be rejected and ousted permanently. All rules/restrictions will be included in email at your request.
Your writing will find honor and you will have peace of mind serving the Lord with your God-given abilities and skills at whatever level you are at with a relationship with Him, or whatever genre you participate with, to an extent as I mentioned. You will find joy in tuning Him in, allowing your pen to flow to His directives, honing the project, marketing it, acknowledging success, and last, but certainly not least, giving God the glory.
BE SURE TO CHECK OUT THE PAGES IN THE LEFT-SIDE MARGIN ABOVE. Some will be edited or adjusted before the final fleshing of the blog and the UNDER CONSTRUCTION banner will be removed. Thank you & God bless you.