About Me

1 Corinthians 12:13 (NIV) - For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.

"Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord..." Hebrews 12:14 

Inspiring the Individual, Empowering the Christian, & Motivating the Writer.

"Step into another world for a spell. A world past, present, and future from a solitary journey. Choose links from a broad variety of cornucopia..... Reaching beyond......" ·

I am a Southern belle born and raised in the great state of Tennessee, the home of the big orange Volunteers, Smoky Mountains, Opry, batman building, Elvis's Graceland, and a huge variety of famous venues. 

I live in the country and would not have it any other way. I designed and built our dream home on top of scenic Shady Lane hill but had to settle below it in a barn near the bubbling creek.  At my pace I am constructing it into a beautiful and large cabin with a seaside theme.  Hawaii rubbed its magic off on me.

I am a very passionate Christian; in tune with Jesus Christ our Savior and God, our Father, and Creator. It is all about God. I had to learn that the hard way. I am a member of East Hill Church of Christ in Pulaski, Tennessee. 

The challenges, as well as the obstacle courses, have developed my personality. Praise the Lord for enhancing traits that have chiseled me into what God would have had me to be. I am indeed, blessed. But he is not through with me yet. He is always at the potter’s wheel.

I am so blessed and grateful for His mercy. Many times I would not have been alive without Him; unseen angels.  Classmates laughed at me when I was accepted at David Lipscomb Christian College in Nashville.  Mama refused to allow me to attend saying the local college, Motlow State, was good enough.  Brother & Mrs. Stevens were so disappointed as was I.  She was hanging on to money.

I divorced with my first husband, then was widowed in 2013 because of the suicide from my second husband. Robert was PTSD. Military credits to him were expert marksman sniper in the 101st Army Airborne. Some rude folks think that is funny, but NOT.

I have three precious grown sons and a daughter whom I deeply love and admire while delighting in the memories they gifted me. Numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren are the light of my life and are growing much too fast.  Overjoyed we did Disney and vacations when we did.

So many individuals dream of being able to do what I am doing.  Home in my paradise writing and enjoying country life. I am so thankful, though I miss working team driving over the road.....and the extra paycheck. It took a lot of smarts and skill to do that job in all kinds of weather and circumstances.

I am making do and doing without to the best of my abilities, though I have learned from the book of Job to be content.  I clearly understand how he questioned the lot he was given. Especially after his wife's comment...."Curse God and die." she had said.

There are days I enjoy puttering around in my flower gardens, creating art, writing, or simply enjoying the wildlife in private from my front porch or back deck. Raccoons and possums visit often, as Coyotes often terrorize us all.  Feral cats keep their distance but are beautiful and lonely.  Deer, including a young white buck, turkey, bear, and plenty of squirrels are fascinating. Cougar and other critters randomly visit.  I especially enjoy groundhogs, chipmunks, and even giant lizards.

I look forward to our journey together. It is heartspun from the Lord to me to share. Angels watch over me. It is my dreamscape. I am reaching beyond traditional writing trade vices……………..

"Contrary to popular opinion there are no absolutes and yet, God's truth is black and white without shades of gray. God is more interested in your personal holiness than He is in your choices of lifestyle, possessions, prosperity, good works, or deeds, but He loves you enough to give you the choice of free will, though it grieves Him for someone to hurt His loving children. He needs no gimmicks or fads to accomplish His will."

Prose is architecture, not interior decoration.- Ernest Hemingway

Salvation in Jesus Christ is not a religion - it is a relationship. It has the simplest of all formulas....Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house (Acts 16:31). That was the Gospel message that Paul and Silas gave to a Philippian jailer more than 2,000 years ago. He and his family were saved and baptized that very night. They are all in Heaven together tonight, as I write this, with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It’s that simple.

I am a daughter of our most high God
Memories are timeless treasures of the heart
as a Christian
and most are blessed gifts of
God our Father
through loving walks, talks & journeys
Jesus Christ King of Kings.

And I am a...........

Hello, ya'll!
I am very blessed and grateful for those blessings!  Jesus walks with me hand in hand and heart to heart. Sometimes I stumble and blunder quite a lot as sinners might do, but I dust myself off and get back in step with Jesus.

Besides my passion for Jesus Christ and my Christian Faith, my beloved Chihuahuas which Animal Control and my daughter stole from me and Dr. Galbraith while I was in Vanderbilt Hospital for 5 weeks  due to covid in the guise that they deemed me preemtively falsely fatal with Scleroderma and they are in my heart and prayers for them to return them to their loving mama.  They were my babies.  All were blind and aged from 14 to 20 years of age. It has been horrifically traumatic for me and I imagine so for my babies, also.

One of my bestest friends of the 12 was a tiny 3-pound gray-blue girl named Fancy with epilepsy with eyes that could not produce tears (dry eyes) so they became ulcerating, though if you gave her antibiotic ointment three times a day they would revert back to pretty eyes, though blind from age she could get around well seeing light.

My health has been practically completely healed thanks to my Vanderbilt and Maury Regional medical teams. Scleroderma remains in remission and the old age issues are under control, except I battle my diabetes.  Praise God through PT and dropping several medicines, I am WALKING AGAIN after years of falling and sometimes injuring myself.  It was determined the medications which were the culprits all along. 

I have rescued four dogs from being dumped here on Shady Lane and nearby on Maxwell Hill; a black and white Pitbull I named Deliah - had her spade and vaccinations given, Harley and Charlie who are Pitbull/Chocolate Lab mix - neutered and are vaccinated, and a feisty/bossy to the other ones/a loving and entertaining (Chihuahua size) terrier/Chihuahua mix named Duke with the nickname MAYOR.  Tanner is the newest adoption. White thick hair with sprinkles of tan, lab ears resembling perhaps a Huskey/Shepherd mix. He had been abandoned at Dr. Galbraith`s clinic.

I am surely blessed.  However, I continue to bawl every day for animals I adored and had for 20 years. They loved me and I loved them.  They were my world and I was their world.

My thoughts are God knew my strengths and led them to me, thus aiding in the ongoing traumatic corrupt Animal Control abuse of power, but by not healing me with that issue, but by comforting me, though it took months to find some peace again, I am still heartbroken and shredded emotionally.  Need your prayers please, though I will be revealing and explaining the best I can this needless stressful tragedy.  MY CHIHUAHUA STORY is soon to be on the blog as an excerpt from my new book due out soon - - - Journey.
Fancy >>>>>>>>

I was adopted around 5 years of age with two brothers Don (birth name Anthony) and Keith (birth name David) We all grew up together in Lynchburg, Tennessee (Moore County) with our adoptive family Daddy (Lester Ray Hensley) Mama (Nellie Marie Moorehead Hensley), and another brother Larry they adopted as a baby before us.  I later found my birth family in Pennsylvania; Mother Virginia, and Renae, and from her second marriage Paula, Rashonta, and Roy Jr.   I went through many episodes of abuse in the adoptive family and throughout my lifetime, however, I loved them all.                         

I enjoyed extracurricular activities in school: reading & writing, 4H, 4H camp, and 4H competitions including state writing competitions, and excelled in arts & crafts, as well as baking and sewing, with chicken raising along with turkey, sheep, cattle, horses, and dogs from Inky a Chihuahua, Ichabod a mini pin, Bullet a bird dog, Whitey a Huskey, Lassie a Collie, and others......with gardening, and farming worked in.  We raised a huge garden and fields of hay, but especially challenging was raising tobacco.

I played quite well the piano with recitals dressed in finery and played alto saxophone marching and in concerts in the Raider Marching Band. Much later, I learned the harpsichord, bells, and guitar.

I relished the science club, winning over the boys in project competitions, and writing in the school newspaper named Raider Rappin'.
Of all, playing guard in basketball and in the backfield as a softball player were sensational sports for me. I won the title of the softball Mountain Valley League queen one year.
I am all about poetry, all animals - domesticate and wild, especially dogs, chickens, rabbits, critters then Seaside, Shells, snorkeling, flip flops, waterfalls, birding, photography, computer creativity, and artists (I have been online since the beginning of the net), home designer, with family and friends tucked safely within it all!  I enjoy designing, crafting, gardening, cooking, sewing or crocheting, and an awful lot of this and that.
Aside from my faith and spreading His word and love to the world, my hobbies and interests are truly extraordinarily varied.  Not necessarily in order, but here is a sampling of what I enjoy, as mentioned above as a young un; fishing, fishing, fishing, friends and family, church, and Bible, gardening, writing, reading, online, book clubs, traveling here and abroad, cooking, beading, sewing, bread making, acrylic painting and watercolors, animals, baking, Volunteer's (Go big Orange!) Football, and the Titans, crafting, photography, cookie and cake decorating, canning and preserving, gardening vegetables and flowers, playing basketball and badminton/tennis, swimming and fishing, antiquing, and listening to music or Moody Radio 24/7.
 There are a ton of extraordinary adventures seeded in my life and dreams yet to be accomplished at the young age of 68. If God is willing. I know I am.

 I reach beyond the world and myself. I reach for Jesus.  Peace! Love! Happiness!

I have with my first husband, Carl Michael Tipps of Lynchburg, Tennessee our daughter, and three sons, Casey, Travis, and Brody.  Travis and Brody gallantly served in the Marine Corps.  I currently have numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  All are healthy, beautiful, brilliant, successful, and delightful.

Son Travis & wife Madison of Savannah, Georgia

Casey & Travis in the 80's

Melanie and I waiting to see her new brother.

My great-grandson, Jackson. (Jax)

General Gipeppy - my first Chihuahua
My trucking chaperone, navigator, and guard dog.

Grandmother & Granddaddy; 
Ruby & Milton Tipps

Brody, Nicole Thompson, 
Travis, & Casey Tipps
back in the late 90's Christmas 
pre-military for 
our two marines Travis & Brody.

Kimi Thompson

An interesting true murder tale
in Lynchburg, Tennessee.  Lynching.

A more recent tragedy

For the most part, looking back to the day, growing up here was treasured, as everyone knew everyone else and waved to greet you going down/up the road.  We were all about the Raiders football, basketball, band, hootenannies at Hurdlow, ice cream suppers, Tims Ford lake boating and fishing, 4H events, Frontier Days, and camping on Sutton Woodard's farm after a wagon train of mules, horses, real wagons we rode in, wound around the county.
Guy Ervin, school superintendent, was the only murder I remember. He was found on his tractor going in circles slumped over dead.  An angered neighbor had shot him.

Guy Holt Ervin

31 May 1976 (aged 55)
LynchburgMoore CountyTennesseeUSA

My second husband, Robert Lloyd Day, Jr. born in Duluth, Minnesota/Superior, Wisconsin, and raised in Apple Valley, Minnesota becoming a star quarterback in football....... violently committed suicide at his employer's R.E. Garrison Trucking in Cullman, Alabama January 1st, 2013.  He shot and killed himself in the head. PTSD is cruel and often deadly. 
He had been an awarded expert marksman as a sniper in the Army 101st Airborne serving abroad and in Afghanistan.
I will never forget the tattoo of a teardrop next to his left eye after 911.
Bob made it a point to converse with veterans as we traveled.  So many sad or beautiful stories.

We ran a team over the road big truck long haul for 20+ years.  I enjoyed the travel and meeting folks, but the best part was the CB.  I shared God/Jesus/Bible with anyone who would listen and met many friends who became lifelong ones. That alone helped me to stay alert and awake.  Read his memorial poem in Signature Poetry Panache Birthday Bear.

One exceptional witness of God's help is I can tell you this.  I was driving.  Heavy Christmas traffic had begun to lighten up from El Paso, Texas.  I just revved the power up to get our grossed-out load (80,00 pounds) up the big hill in Las Cruces, New Mexico.  Pulling into the fast lane, a car hit the brakes, (the driver had apparently missed his exit) stopped dead in front of me, and the indistinguishable person's head turned toward the exit to another interstate.  Hair went up on my neck as I called to God.  There was going to be a bad wreck.  Big rigs were hitting the shoulder to miss the catastrophe about to happen.  The car LEVITATED to the shoulder!!  It did not pull over!!  It LEVITATED!! We all saw it and could not believe our eyes.  Many a trucker and I discussed the wonders of God all the way to California.
Though I am off disability, I am officially retired and with an autoimmune disease (scleroderma) after I had an aneurism and went through surgery for a splenectomy. I developed Scleroderma after that surgery. It was determined that I needed to self-quarantine when possible (yeah right) because it also removed my immune system making my body fight for everything. I later got Covid, had a wreck, and that led to Vanderbilt and my daughter's betrayal.

Hopefully, I am almost at the finish line of breast cancer after having a lumpectomy. I am currently dealing with multiple cysts; I refuse to give up. In April I am scheduled for surgery (NOT LASIK) on both of my eyes. Simple Scleroderma (NOT Systemic Scleroderma which is fatal) is horrible navigating its unending issues and symptoms, which mine have been mostly age-related and not Scleroderma, but I just keep on holding His hand and working through them through our 40 Facebook groups/community created for Scleroderma patients.  Might I brag, Dana Wofford Green is my co-administrator with them all.

 I reach beyond the world and myself. I reach for Jesus.  Peace! Love! Happiness!

My current hub is  Heartspun Dreamscape: (heartspundreamscape2023.blogspot.com)and the original version can still be viewed at the links marked with a version or original in the menu.

You will find my main writing destination blog here WRITER'S WINGS & THINGS . Click the link to go to my first book excerpt from that page, BUT LISTEN.  I will be publishing my own page soon.

You will find my poetry amongst fellow poets and poetesses on the SIGNATURE POETRY PANACHE page. The original hub to this over-the-top extraordinary sister page is Poetry Panache which you will also find in the menu, including many links to some of our stars and mentors located in the lower right-hand margin. Some of the poetry has been hacked due to years of lack of site maintenance which was due to social media blocking it from me unjustly claiming abuse or spam. 

You will find my current version 0f my journal at my home at  My Paradise @ Shady Lane ,while the older version here Blessed Meandering 

If you are curious about Scleroderma, go here for the original Scleroderma Warriors and I am in the process of creating a new page.

AND if you want to join our writer's group go here  to Writer's Wings & Things as a starting page  then continue to Writing from the Heart  and then to Writer's Cafe 

© Gina Ann Watkins Day 
Established 1995 through 2025

Heartspun Dreamscape ®© 
EagleCrest Literary Agency®©      
Writer’s Wings  & Things®©   
Tenntrade Publishing®© 

Poets and authors retain copyright 
to their work; obtain a poet's permission 
before using a poem or excerpts from 
a book in any form.

Christian Writer’s Marketing Network
Inspiring the Individual, 
Empowering the Christian, 
& Motivating the Writer ®©