Writer's Cafe will help you to understand "writing from the heart" and to help you develop your abilities to recognize this phenomenon. The cafe will be a source of empowerment, as well as a tool, but you have to want to believe in the experience, and accept and trust God's will that you are an instrument of His peace.
The words will flow. If you allow them to do so. He will use you, your work, and the outcome to reach others, whether your genre is Sci-Fi, Old Fashion Romance, Biblical, or something in between.
I believe anyone can write if they set their hearts to co-pilot mode. I'm not one to limit an individual by telling them either they have what it takes to write or they don't.
I'm walking where I am led. If you've never heard of me or any of my pen names, that's ok. I'd prefer it that way. I'm here to work the magic of a labor of love and to give God the glory for doing so. I may speak oddly, but that's my Southern roots.....eloquence is not my style.
There are other networks, social clubs, sites, and such that may seem to be the right place to work, but right here, God will let you know his anointing is reaching for you and that's priority. Enjoy your other memberships, but just delight in reaching beyond here.
This cafe is a place where I really walk hand in hand with you and work heart to heart with you to aid in YOU finding the right path for yourself and your work; to help you stay focused and in tune.
So, as we journey together, this nonconformist approach, keep an open mind and a loving heart to find the seeds of wisdom He sends your way.
Here we go. Just do it and smile!
Writers are often instructed to plan out their book well before developing a tale. You should already have the plot in mind, plan out a diagram or chart of all elements including characters and their traits to the plan. The keys are in planning, researching, developing, and producing.
Writing from the heart, from a Christian perspective is amazingly different from writing from your mind or soul. This process is simpler.....much simpler. The two effectively become interlaced with each other. It might seem similar to writers who write at the speed of thought, but the Spirit is what makes the difference. He, Jesus, makes it a real journey of passion and is definitely not a "written-in-stone" regimen. Any editing comes after a chapter/book is written by maintaining focus on the Spirit.
Learn to organize the portion of time you have managed to set aside for your writing in balance with priorities in order always. It is very important.
We hope you are coming into that portion already clear in mind and body relaxed. It is vital for you to settle into the most relaxed position and setting which you enjoy, and park it until you are clear in mind and relaxed.
Prayer really enhances your shifting down stage. It folds you into your writing.
Being tense and still fumbling through a zillion thoughts from possibly days or weeks before, can and will block you from being able to focus on your writing. Get in the habit of shaking off troubles by allowing God to lift them from you.
Again, prayer consistently will alleviate pressures and lift your conscience until your focus is on Him. Not your troubles.
Priority. It always works.
Whatever amount of time it takes to relax and know you are in His presence, will be your catalyst into the rest of your allotment set aside for your writing. Focus on listening. Beyond everything else. To Him.
Praise & Worship music, candles, and the door locked from possible imaginary emergencies that may come knocking (conjured up by family to distract you) goes a long way to set the mood, though many writers skip the intoxication of the senses for lack of time (or belief), though it really does work for most. Even a long soak in the tub/hot tub will get you down to earth really fast.
Whatever it takes, do it. The sooner before you go to writing, the better. Remember, you have only a certain amount of time allotted for your writing, and you can't focus if you are stressed out and unable to focus.
So, dear writer, that is your a prime lesson. Be able to get into good habits before you write. If you already know what it takes, great. You are to enjoy the luxury of fine-tuning your shifting-down reflexes.
I would love to hear how you shift down to relax before you write. Write to me and let me know. But, do keep in mind to focus on the Lord while you are doing it.
My routine is flexible, but on synchronization, I turn off everything; TV, radio, computer, and people..... I place a GONE FISHING or DO NOT DISTURB note on my office and front/back doors.
I begin with sincere prayer, body stretches with my eyes closed in a quiet setting, candles blazing, and think nothing clearing my mind. I've made sure lots of ice-cold diet Sun Drop or coffee is on hand. I keep plenty of fresh fruit, cheese, crackers, and nuts stashed near the desk for munchies. Once I'm settled down, I'm in....ready to write. Something else; I'm a night owl. There's something truly wonderful, magical if you will, about dusk-to-dawn writing experiences.


Writing from the Heart.....
Highlighting notations of recognition....
~ Let people see the REAL, IMPERFECT, FLAWED, QUIRKY, WEIRD, BEAUTIFUL & MAGICAL person that YOU are through the reflection of your soul revealed in your writing. As you progress or digress, your writing will reveal your journey to inspire your new fans. ~
- Begin by making consistent, uninterrupted time for writing. I used to love being the night owl.. writing all night long with drinks nearby and then admiring the inspiring breaking dawn (through eyes with toothpicks holding them open sometimes), then going to bed for the morning. Not any more. I am forced to be a day hiker in the granny lane. =sigh=
- Create your space and park a sign - DO NOT DISTURB - clearly printed on one side and discussed with your loved ones. On the other side should be - GONE FISHING - (or whatever you like) I like to surround myself with mementos and life-collected photos that include family, friends, pets, and travels. I have a window next to my roll-top desk that opens up to a twelve-foot-high deck surrounded by the forest. I can browse the quiet and the wildlife while I ponder my manuscript. Whatever gives you peace will work.
Here's a most enjoyable video that will soothe your nerves transmitting calming impulses of sensations to the brain or spinal cord, and impulses from these to the muscles and organs (optic nerve - a person's steadiness, courage, and sense of purpose when facing a demanding situation like writing with a focus on the Spirit of the Lord's lead) so you can write in the serenity of peace and stay focused.
Alright. Now, start writing. Submit two pages to my email
myginaannday2023 mail@gmail.com or send in comments of this blog. to get a chance to be published on our blog.
Here is your prompt to write about;

Send each submission and I will post them for your friends, fans, and others to read. Include your photo and important data so I can create a page for your future projects here.
"Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord..." Hebrews 12:14