An Alaskan girl who loves to craft, bake, and explore the wilderness around her homestead. Come join her for an adventure in her poetry, writing, or blog!
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The Season's Banquet
From my poetry notebook, Emily Zahasky
One fine day in April
The Seasons gathered for tea.
And this was quite unusual,
To have four and not just three.
For one must always be busy
It was their duty after all.
But Spring was taking a break
And letting Jack Frost cover it all.
This was a big occasion,
As all the sisters knew -
Everything must be perfect
From the first "hello" to the last "audeu"!
Everyone helped decorate
With icicles and flowers,
And Spring covered all the table
With a veil of silver showers.
Summer brought a salad,
Winter brought hot tea,
Autumn brought preserves and scones
and Spring sandwiches a plenty!
While they sat they chatted
about love and about the weather
(For Winter had eyes for Mr. Frost
Who was handsome and quite clever)
Autumn mentioned last year's early freeze -
Winter had to blush -
Spring gave a merry laugh,
While Summer talked in a rush.
And before the day was over,
They'd made plans to meet again,
As all said goodbye to each other
To each sister and dearest friend.
Yes one fine day in April
The Seasons gathered for tea.
And it sounds like they had such a lovely time
I wish they'd invited me!
Last night I actually had two friends over for a tea party, as well as my youngest sister who is visiting! We had a lovely time, just like the four Seasons in the poem, so I don't feel so left out now that I have had my own fancy tea party. Haha!

Hello Dear Friend! Welcome to the first
installment in my 'Week
of Winter Poetry'. I so enjoy writing poetry
in my free time, and
although someday I hope to publish
my poems in book-form,
this week I will just be sharing
them here with you. I think
these will be the perfect posts to
read with a cup of tea and
perhaps some biscuits -
so please get cozy! I hope you have
a delightful time reading
these poems for I had a wonderful
time writing them.
And now to our first one:
Winter's Day Reading
From my poetry notebook
It's true I like to go for walks
In Winter's whitest snow
For I find that nature seems to talk
In the stillness as I go.
But there are days (much like today)
When staying cooped up is better.
For all the snow has melted away
And been replaced with rainy weather.
So what is one to do you ask
When kept holed up at home?
My favorite thing it to grab a book
for in my head I can roam.
Suddenly I'm in Paris
With the Eiffel tower shining bright.
And I'm standing on a terrace
In a gown as black as night.
Or now I'm traveling east to west
With a sword strapped to my side
Clothed in armor on a magic quest
To make a princess my bride.
And now I'm a desperate maiden
Wandering over the moor
With fears and hopes heavy-laden
To find the truth behind the lore.
And when it's time for dinner, well
I'll leave those worlds behind
But they stay with me - like a spell
Yes they're always in my mind.
And so perhaps, next day it rains
I'll find a book to lend
For after reading it, one thing remains:
To share it with a friend!
Are you doing any winter reading?
This is the time of year I find time
to read, since it can be so cold and
unfriendly outside my door. Right
now I am reading a book I got for
hristmas: "I Will Repay" by Baroness
Emmuska Orczy - a sequel to her
famous "The Scarlet Pimpernel". I fell
in love with this book last year and
have since read it three times,so it's
wonderful to move on now to the second
book. What are you reading Friend?
Please share below in the comments!
I am always looking for a good book
Here we are on day two of my 'Week of Winter Poetry'!
The following poem I wrote on a really slow day up at
work(when I get most of my inspiration, haha!). At the
moment Quinn and I are both working up at Eaglecrest,
our local ski area. He as a ski/snowboard instructor, and
I myself as a member of the Ski School office, sending
all the students out to him. It's been fun working up there,
though I'm not sure how much longer I can hide from
learning how to ski...(Quinn has been trying to get me
on the slopes since we were dating).
The Ski School office is the location of our
'lost & found', which holds everything from
ski poles to missing lunch boxes. I was inspired
by the large tub of lost gloves we always have
to write this following poem. I hope you enjoy it!
Lost Mittens
From my poetry notebook
I have lost my mittens
I don't know where they've gone
I know I had them yesterday
When I was playing on the lawn.
And I know I had them after
When I went down by the sea -
I took them off to throw some rocks
But I brought them back with me.
I used them to defeat the neighbors
in an epic snowball fight,
and I thought I brought them back inside
when I came home for the night.
But now I can't seem to find them
They're not by my hat or coat
And my mom didn't say she moved them
Nor did she leave me a note.
So I guess I'll stay inside
What else is there to do?
You don't know where my mittens hide
or where they are, do you?
My mother had my mittens,
Yes she had them the whole time
Hidden in the highest spot
Hung up on a line.
Right above the woodstove
To get them warm and dry
Just ready to give me toasty hands
Under winter's snowy sky.
So if you've lost your mittens
And you've searched both near and far
Just ask your mom, I promise
She knows right where they are!
Thank you so much Dear Friends
for joining me for this
'Week of Winter Poetry'! For the
last poem of the week
I have saved a special favorite,
one that involves cake! As I have
shared before, winter is my favorite
time of year to bake and
try out new recipes. It makes the
Barn smell amazing and makes it
feel extra cozy.

Snow Sugar Cake
From my poetry notebook
On a soggy winter's day
My dearest friend came by to play.
We thought it best to make a cake
For when it's dreary it's time to bake.
Flour and sugar all crystal white
Sparkled in the candle light.
In to the oven nice and hot,
Meanwhile the icing - let's make a lot!
Now stack the cakes all nice and high -
"How pretty it looks" we both will sigh.
A piece for you, a piece for me,
We'll be as happy as two friends can be!
And a glance out the window will bring a surprise -
The world, like a cake, lies before our eyes.
For Mother Nature worked as we worked too,
To frost the landscape in silvery hues.
I do hope my poems brought you some joy thisweek! I was rather nervous to share so muchof my poetry with you, but I know you are aDear Friend and wouldn't mind if a poemwasn't all that great, haha! I don't often sharemy poetry, but I hope to share more of itwith you if you have liked it. Thank you onceagain for joining me this week! Until next time Dear Friend!