Gardening Blessings


Be sure to check each beautiful image and video out, then the poem, then the musical video, AND THEN a lot of my heart-grown flower images at the bottom of the context.

Gardening is a beautiful hobby of mine_____ 
Planting, pruning, gifting most blooms
Given me by family & friends from the line
Now since gone on in Graves or tombs. 

Bulbs, lilies, Iris snowball and much more
Saved and nurtured three or four score
Unless Old man Winter kills the best of them 
Or coons/dogs/deer munch or trample on a whim 

Earthiness lovingly wraps your fruits of labor
By sharing beauty with admiring neighbor
Colorful masses of assorted flowers
Bushy, tiny, climbing, often some towers. 

Bouquet gathering as you walk & talk with our Lord
For gifts for special occasions or friends bored
Contentment and joy is like an aurora so warm
Blessings & peace, incredible against all harm.

Copyright 1995 Gina Ann Day

© Gina Ann Watkins Day 
Established 1995 through 2025

Heartspun Dreamscape ®© 
EagleCrest Literary Agency®©      
Writer’s Wings  & Things®©   
Tenntrade Publishing®© 

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Since 1995

Christian Writer’s Marketing Network

Inspiring the Individual, Empowering the Christian, & Motivating the Writer

United States of America
God bless us everyone!

“Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.” -Galatians 6:1