Michelle S. Lowndes


© by

 Heavens Inspirations

There is also an option to listen to this Poem if you would like to. Just click on the link above the title of the poem. Music is the song 'Amazed' by David Delgado and used with permission.

Click on poem to listen to it.

Casting My Care

Lord, I continually set before you,
My requests and all my needs
With thanksgiving I come unto you,
My concerns unburdened to thee

I wait for your intervention, Lord,
In quietness of soul and mind
And worship at your footstool,
Leaving my cares behind

And Lord, I express my thanks for you,
For all you are to me,
I thank you, Lord, that I matter to you,
Though at times, I cannot see

Because of the circumstances in life,
The things that I go through,
I find my eyes are on the storm,
When they should be looking to you

So help me, Lord, each precious day,
No matter what life brings me,
To carry on with hope and faith
And to rest in you with peace.

© By M.S.Lowndes
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Inspiring Others For Jesus - Through Christian Poetry

christian poems welcome
Birth Of Heavens Inspirations Testimony of the Creation of Heavens Inspirations 
God was prompting me for a while to create a website where I could display some of my poetry and to have a page for sharing about Jesus. I kept putting it out of my mind because I had no idea how to do it. I had limited knowledge of the computer, in fact, you could say I was completely computer illiterate. It was only about 1½-2 years prior that we actually got a computer, and just over a year prior that we got onto the Internet. I didn't even know how to work the mouse when we first got the computer - now I have a website!!! Every now and then God would bring back the idea of creating a website to my mind. Finally, this year I  decided to give it a go. I was part of a Christian website message board that had a Technical forum, so I asked for help there. I had a prompt response from someone that helped me immensely. I must say it was extremely hard. I felt like how Peter must have felt when he got out of the boat and walked on water. This was an unknown area for me. I had a lot of attack in my mind when trying to do things unfamiliar to me. Negativity such as 'you're too thick to do this', 'only intelligent people can do this' etc…I haven’t got much of an educational 1/26/24, 7:32 PM Birth Of Heavens Inspirations Testimony https://www.heavensinspirations.com/birth-of-heavens.html 5/11 background, so this was a weak area that Satan used to attack me in. I felt like giving up many times, but the desire to see it come to fruition was strong, and it was this that kept me persevering with it. I'm finding now that when I finish a page, I have more ideas for other pages to add to it. It's like it's branching out into different areas - and my writing is also branching out into different areas. When I got the idea for the 'Women’s Corner', to inspire and encourage women to rise up in the gifts God has 1/26/24, 7:32 PM Birth Of Heavens Inspirations Testimony https://www.heavensinspirations.com/birth-of-heavens.html 6/11 given them, I thought of finding someone that writes Devotionals to share them on this page. I guess that God once again was prompting me to write them myself. I kept thinking that I had no idea how to write Devotionals; it's something I hadn’t done before. More unfamiliar territory. I felt as though God was saying to me 'you didn’t know how to create a website either'!!! So I thought there’s really no excuse. God obviously wants to stretch me and expand my writing. It is challenging, but I'm excited about it. 1/26/24, 7:32 PM Birth Of Heavens Inspirations Testimony https://www.heavensinspirations.com/birth-of-heavens.html 7/11 The reason I share this with you is to, hopefully, inspire and encourage you to step out and do what God has laid on your heart to do, despite what others may think or say. Despite what limitations you may think you have. God will equip you and place people across your path to help you. There comes a growth within ourselves when we step out in faith, as well as being able to minister into other people's lives. Let God 'expand' you. Let God 'stretch' you. And see what He can do through you. So, if you have a dream or a vision God has placed  within, all I have to say is 'Rise up, Go forth and Do'. God Bless You!!! - By M.S.Lowndes (Michelle)

    About Michelle S. Lowndes
    My name is Michelle Lowndes. I was born and raised in Auckland, New Zealand. The youngest of five. I live in South Auckland, with my husband Tony. We have been married for 26 years (March 1993). We have 4 beautiful children - Nathan 23, Caleb 21, Josiah 19 and our only daughter, Alisha, 15 years old.

    You may like to read my testimony on the struggle I had with miscarriage My Lost Babies

    I am what I call a 'Home Executive' (known as a stay at home Mum). I attend Harvest Christian Church (a pentecostal church - AOG) along with my family. I have been a Christian for about 37 years now. You may want to read my brief Testimony

    I started writing Inspirational Christian poetry in the beginning of 1995. Many years prior, I wrote Christian songs. I do enjoy writing songs (when inspired) and the lyrics to other people's music. I began writing songs when I was about 12 years old - although I wasn't a Christian at the time and the songs reflected where I was at. When I came to the Lord, the songwriting dramatically changed. Sometimes I'd just start singing them spontaneously. I stopped writing songs around 1990, although around 2002, when my eldest son came to the Lord, I put tunes to some of the songs he started singing to God. This is all I did in the area of songwriting at that stage, although near the end of 2007, God started stirring within me the desire to write songs again. It started with writing lyrics to go with someone's music, the whole process was something I really enjoyed. I ended up purchasing a guitar and going through the agony of playing again - as I hadn't played in many years :-) God then gave me new songs, although I only write songs now and then.

    God planted in my heart a dream to write a Christian children's picture book series. At the time I started writing Christian poetry, I had an idea to write kids stories in rhyme. I started it around 2002, but it tends to get shelved. My hope is to have it finished and published one day. I have also been involved in writing secular children's picture book stories, which I would also love to have published one day.

    My hope and prayer for this site, is that you will find encouragement and comfort in the words of these poems & devotionals. Also, that you will be challenged in your walk with God to press on in Him more.

    You may like to read my testimony of how I came to creating this website Birth Of Heavens Inspirations

    By M.S.Lowndes (Michelle)

    Christian Poem: When The Unexpected Comes The unexpected things that happen to us in life Christian Poem on trusting God through the unexpected situations of life  When The Unexpected Comes Through the unexpected things That happens in our lives, We draw from God the strength we need To carry on with Christ For He will always hold us up Whenever it gets too tough And carry us through the hardest times When we can't feel His love I know that at these times we feel Abandoned by our Lord, We wonder what is going on, We can't feel His presence at all But He has not abandoned us, Nor forsaken us in our need, He allows the unexpected things Be life lessons we should heed So we will grow with deeper faith And be strengthened in the Lord Then when we face the storms of life, We'll be stronger than before So when the unexpected comes, Remember, God's in control And nothing in life is ever wasted, But are memories that we hold So when others come across our path That are facing what we've faced, We're more than able to share God's love And touch them with His grace. © By M.S.Lowndes

    Our Gifts Are For Encouraging

    Our Gifts Are For Encouraging

    Help us, Lord, to see ourselves
    Through your loving eyes,
    To see what you see in us
    And to come to realize

    That everything that we possess
    Comes directly from you,
    The gifts, the talents you've placed within
    Are there for us to use

    To reach with hope to those that hurt,
    To those who've lost their way
    It's your gifts, Lord, they're not our own,
    So take them, Lord, we pray

    And use them for your glory,
    So others may be blessed
    And have their spirits lifted
    And their souls also refreshed

    So they can then be challenged
    To seek more after you,
    To be much more empowered
    For whatever they may do

    For each of us have talents
    That God has placed within
    So we can encourage others
    To have a closer walk with Him

    And as we encourage another,
    We can be encouraged ourselves,
    For there needs to be a continual flow
    And a continual pouring out

    And as we do this, we will find
    Insecurities will disappear
    And we'll be strengthened in His love
    To overcome our fears.

    © By M.S.Lowndes

    When We Face Rejections

    When We Face Rejections

    Though we often face in life,
    Rejections of every kind,
    We need to know it's not the end
    And to leave it all behind

    And carry on with faith in God,
    That He will see us through,
    To fulfil what He has called us for,
    The work we need to do

    And sometimes these rejections
    Are a turning point in life,
    That lead to other avenues,
    To bring our dreams alive

    If we can only see this,
    As a chance to expand our wings
    And see there's opportunity,
    To fulfil our godly dreams

    For God knows what's best for us
    And He will show the way,
    We only need to trust in Him
    And be on our knees each day

    For He will bring it all to pass,
    Releasing hope inside
    As we keep walking with the Lord
    And in His love abide.

    © By M.S.Lowndes
    When We Let Him Have Control

    When We Let Him Have Control

    Why is it as though
    We struggle so much
    And live in constant despair?
    We don't need to carry
    Such burdensome loads
    But should go to God in prayer

    Give Him your burdens
    And all of your hurts,
    Just lay them at His feet
    He's such a big God
    He can handle it all
    And watches over His sheep

    He cares so much more
    Than we'll ever know
    And just wants the best for our lives
    Each one of his children
    Has so much potential
    If we’ll only begin to rise

    To be all that God
    Has intended us to be,
    To walk through His open doors
    We need to stay focused
    And open to God
    And put our trust in the Lord

    For when we all come
    To realize God's love,
    Our hurts will not have a hold
    For God's love will cover
    And free us from fear
    As we give Him total control.

    © By M.S.Lowndes

    God's Peace

    God's Peace

    God's tender love and peace
    Is what we all long for
    In a world so hopelessly chaotic,
    So unstable and unsure

    It brings stability to our minds
    And calmness to our souls,
    For that is what we desperately need
    As this world can be so cold

    We need to have God's peace
    When turmoil's in our lives,
    For God's peace doesn't depend
    On the daily pressures of life

    When we have those stressful days,
    God's peace can often soothe
    And bring us such a quiet hope
    That chases away the blues

    So when you feel the pressure on,
    Remember, Jesus Christ,
    Receive from Him the peace He gives
    As His daily dose for life!

    © By M.S.Lowndes
    You Have A Part To Play

    You Have A Part To Play

    Each one of God's children
    Has a special part to play,
    Whether it be great or small,
    We are needed every day

    If your part seems very small,
    Don't feel you're insignificant
    Don't feel that you can't offer much
    And you wouldn't make a difference

    Though you're tempted to give up
    And let another take your place,
    Remember, God gave you your gifts
    And you cannot be replaced

    And these gifts that God has given,
    He longs for you to share
    You're just as important as anyone,
    So don't be in despair

    The only one who matters most
    Is watching for your part,
    With much anticipation
    And excitement in His heart

    So do not disappoint Him
    By not taking your cue,
    Though you think it unimportant,
    This part is made for you

    Don't let God walk away
    With a disappointed heart
    Because you felt so unworthy
    Of your very special part

    The parts that we've been given
    Isn't based on size at all,
    But rather on the abilities
    And the gifting of the Lord

    For each part is important
    To make the whole thing work,
    So do your part with enthusiasm
    And know that you have worth.

    © By M.S.Lowndes

    This Is The Time; This Is The Hour

    This Is The Time; This Is The Hour

    The Lord our God will say to us
    To not limit what He can do,
    For He is a God of the unlimited,
    There's nothing He can't do through you

    For God is doing a new thing
    In our lives, today, this hour
    To raise us up to be His army,
    Clothing us with His power

    Remember not the former things,
    The things that are in the past
    Behold, He is doing a new thing
    And will capture human hearts

    It's time now to go out and gather
    In the harvest of the Lord,
    For there are many whose souls are ready
    More than we've known before

    So take His light into those places
    Of darkness and misery,
    That they may know the God of love
    To give hope and a destiny

    Then they may shine right where they are
    So others may come to the light
    And they in turn may come to know
    The saving grace of Christ

    Then Jesus' light may radiate there
    Like a beacon in the night,
    No longer groping in the darkness,
    But shining forth God's light

    May the spirit of God arise in you
    And empower you much more
    So His glory may be seen with you
    As you proclaim the risen Lord

    © By M.S.Lowndes

    God's Eternal Blessings

    God's Eternal Blessings

    God's eternal blessings
    Flows down from above
    To equip us in His mission
    To spread His wondrous love

    So He can always use us
    And stretch us in our faith,
    So we may be a blessing
    To others by His grace

    For everything we need,
    God will graciously provide,
    Through His eternal blessings
    That's abundant in our lives.

    © By M.S.Lowndes
    We Matter To God

    We Matter To God

    As we come before you, Lord,
    And worship at your feet,
    You pour out your blessings upon us
    And meet us in our need

    Whatever we are facing,
    We can leave it with you, Lord,
    And walk away with confidence
    Knowing you will bear it all

    For you are God almighty,
    Our God in whom we trust
    To unload us of our burdens
    And shower us with love

    Lord, you are so wonderful
    To care about our lives,
    Each small, insignificant detail,
    Each tear that we cry

    For everything about us, Lord,
    Is so important to you,
    You want to be involved in our lives
    In everything we do

    So I can't help but praise you
    For the loving God you are
    You care so much for every soul
    And you're never very far

    That we cannot touch your heart
    Every time we come to pray
    And we can come into your presence,
    Each and every day.

    © By M.S.Lowndes
    God Is Not Distant

    God Is Not Distant

    Do you ever feel that God
    Is distant and aloof?
    Do you wonder if He cares
    And has the time for you?

    Do you think Christ would've died
    If you were the only one?
    Do you think God had such love
    To have sent His only son?

    I think God cares enough for us
    To do this and much more
    He's never distant and aloof
    In this, you can be sure

    He always said He'd never leave,
    Nor will He forsake us,
    He only wants to spend some time,
    To share with us His love

    We often say, 'God doesn't care
    And there isn't any hope'
    But it's maybe at those desperate times,
    He's working in us the most

    God loves us all, way to much,
    To leave us as we are
    That's why He sends to us the rain
    To soften our hardened hearts.

    © By M.S.Lowndes


    Memories are a treasure
    The wealth we have inside,
    Special times and sad times,
    They're all part of life

    We often like to retreat
    To the memories of yesterday,
    The tender moments we had
    That can never be replaced

    When we see that the Lord
    Was there throughout our lives
    And see the turns we made
    With Him as our guide

    We see the plan He had
    To bring us where we are,
    We see the road we've travelled
    Has brought us on this far

    So memories of the past
    Help us trust to thee
    Our future years with gladness
    That we cannot yet see

    For if in the Father's care
    We place each day we live,
    We will know His inner peace
    And His grace He freely gives.

    © By M.S.Lowndes
    A God Of Hope

    Desperate Times

    Desperate Times

    Lord, it's getting to be desperate times
    Why do you seem to delay
    In responding to my pressing needs
    That I remind you of each day?

    In my mind I know that you
    Will come through in the end,
    But in my heart emotions rise
    And I worry and fret again

    Help me, Lord, at those times
    To give it again to you,
    Help me know deep in my heart
    That you will pull me through

    And that you fully understand
    Exactly where I’m at,
    Though circumstances do not change,
    In you, I shall not lack

    Everything when given to you
    Will work out for my good,
    For when I cast my care on you,
    It's then, that it's understood

    That it's just a matter of your timing
    In responding to my need,
    For often it's because you're doing
    A deeper work in me

    So all that's left for me to do,
    The one thing that is sure,
    Is to put my trust in you each day,
    For nothing matters more.

    © By M.S.Lowndes
    You Are Worthy

    You Are Worthy

    Don't see yourself as insignificant,
    Not worthy to come before God,
    Fearing the stains are too deep to clean
    From the sins you're guilty of
    And don't feel as though you're not worthy
    To dine at His table of grace,
    Nor even to gather the scraps that fall,
    Nor look into His loving face

    But see yourself clothed in garments
    Fit only to clothe a king,
    Eating as His honoured guest
    And wearing His signet ring
    For that is how God sees you,
    A worthy child indeed
    A royal priesthood, bearing His name
    The moment you came to believe

    For surely as Christ's blood has washed you,
    You shall be whiter than snow,
    So don't see yourself as someone unworthy,
    A tiny speck nobody knows
    For that only belittles the value
    Of Jesus Christ's spilled blood,
    For it's through His blood He's cleansed you
    And showed you how much He loved

    He says, 'My child you are precious,
    More than you can comprehend,
    For nothing you've done could lessen my love,
    For I'd always call you my friend
    My heart just longs for you to come
    And bask in my embrace,
    My child, I will always love you
    And pour out my mercy and grace

    So don't feel afraid to draw near,
    Nor feel you have no worth,
    My Son's blood has purchased you
    And has given you new birth
    So come, enjoy my presence
    And let me hear you sing
    The new song I have given you,
    For to me, you are everything'.

    © By M.S.Lowndes

    In My World Of Silence ~ Deafness

    In My World Of Silence

    My world can be so silent
    And it sometimes brings a tear,
    The laughter of the children,
    I long, one day, to hear

    To hear their little voices
    As they play their childhood games,
    Longing to hear them sing their songs
    And pray in Jesus name

    To hear the birds each morning,
    Greeting another day,
    But my world is one of silence
    One that's hard to convey

    I wish I could express to you,
    But I really don't know how,
    I'm not sure that you would understand
    What I'm sharing with you now

    For it can be real lonely
    When I feel I'm not a part
    Of what I see around me,
    It often tugs at my heart

    But though our two worlds differ,
    Jesus is by my side
    It's in this common faith we share,
    God's love in us abides

    For He is the hope I have
    And the new song on my lips,
    My hearing may be limited
    But my spirit connects with His

    And with my fellow believers
    As we worship side by side,
    For I have found no greater love
    Than the love of Jesus Christ.

    © By M.S.Lowndes

    God Is Always There

    God is Always There

    We often feel as though
    God is far away
    And we often feel that He
    Is distant when we pray

    So often we feel lonely,
    Not knowing where to turn
    Just a touch from God above,
    Our longing spirits yearn

    So many times in our lives,
    God seems slow to act
    We cry out in desperation,
    But it's faith we often lack

    For God is not being slow
    In coming to our aid
    He comes through in His time,
    We just need to learn to wait

    The Lord is never distant,
    He is there by our side
    And continues to walk with us
    Through the storms in our lives

    He always hears our hearts cry
    And answers all our prayers,
    He won't leave us all alone,
    For God is always there.

    © By M.S.Lowndes

     Love and Hope

    Love and Hope

    Hope arises from a heart that is broken
    When love breaks through and healing is spoken—
    A soul set free from the darkness within
    When God came in and removed every sin
    Hope will prevail where it once was lost
    And love will triumph at any cost
    For God gave us hope and faith to believe
    And planted in us a precious seed
    Which is love, sweet love, guaranteed.

    © By M.S.Lowndes

    Pray In The Battle

    I know, Lord, I don’t always try And sometimes I don’t even care I often let the worries of this world Become a heavy burden to bear I know at times I do not react The way that I know I should Instead my feelings rule my tongue And I’m often misunderstood I get so sick of constantly repeating The same failures day after day I feel so worn down by the constant battle Maybe I should give up and ‘Pray’ Does this sound at all familiar? Are life’s hassles wearing you out? Do you remember to stop and pray? So faith can replace your doubt God never said that it would be easy But He did say He’d always be there We need to stop battling on our own And give it over in prayer Prayer is so needful in our lives Constantly, throughout the day When we are faced with spiritual battles We should never forget to pray It’s so important to commit each day Into the care of the Lord So we can walk more victoriously Than how we had walked before The enemy tries to get a foothold In every little way he can We must be aware of his evil tactics And refuse to give in to his plans For we have Christ Jesus in our lives And the power to overcome As we keep praying and standing firm All our battles shall be won.

    Desert Times by Michelle Lowndes https://heavensinspirations.com There are times in our lives The Lord may lead us through A lifeless, barren desert A time of testing too. But desert times can be A place of special growth Where God can do a work And let His healing flow. I know that in these times We don't feel God is there We feel so very distant And lost without His care. But God is there beside you To bring you to a place Of cool refreshing waters Flowing with His grace. But for the present moment You maybe in a drought Don't give up on your faith And don't you start to doubt.  God is always faithful And He will walk with you Through the darkest moments He'll be leading you.

    Words by Michelle Lowndes https://heavensinspirations.com Sticks and stones may break our bones But our bones can all be healed When hurtful words are spoken to us The brokenness is often concealed Hidden away deep down inside Where nobody can ever reach in Only God’s hand can heal the hurt If we allow His love to come in. Lord please help us speak the words That will build up and edify Words that will bring comfort and hope That will truly unify It’s so easy to come out with words Filled with anger and hurt Words that divide sisters and brothers That hasn’t been laced with God’s word. How easy it is to speak the words That discourages one another Giving our own opinions and advice Without understanding each other Lord I pray you’ll speak through us With words that truly uplift Words that always encourages And hearts willing to forgive. Help us Lord to realize our words Can bruise the human soul And can build a wall of indifference Where our spirits slowly grow cold Help us Lord to realize the pain That others can feel inside When we speak negativity And discouragement into their lives. We must be ever mindful of The words we come to speak And ask ourselves – ‘Will they build up’ For words can cut so deep If we could only grasp this We would only speak words of hope That brings blessing and encouragement And helps one another to grow.



    Without hope in our lives
    Our spirits slowly die
    And our souls become withered
    And drained of all life

    For hope is the breath,
    The essence of our faith
    That keeps us all believing
    And living in God's grace

    It gives life to our bones
    And joy to our hearts,
    Release for our troubled minds
    Held captive in the dark

    It gives light to our feet,
    So we can find our way
    And gives purpose in our walk
    And faith when we pray

    So, hold firmly onto hope
    In the face of your storm,
    For it anchors you to Jesus,
    And His love is reborn

    © By M.S.Lowndes


    Our God Changes Not

    In a world of much uncertainty
    And void of Godly truth,
    When everything around us shakes,
    It's God we hold on to

    We must not trust in what we see,
    In what this world holds dear,
    For often it will start to crumble
    When we are least aware

    We can know God's sustaining peace
    When our future seems unsure,
    And know our confidence in Him
    Brings new hope in the Lord

    Keep holding on to the Word of God,
    The truth you can depend on,
    For it will stand the test of time
    When heaven and earth are gone

    So, even though this world's unstable,
    He's still our solid rock
    And the only certainty in life,
    For our God changes not.

    © By M.S.Lowndes

    God Never Sleeps

    God is never sleeping,
    Unaware of us down here;
    His eyes are ever on us
    And His presence everywhere—
    For we may not always
    Feel that He is near,
    Nevertheless He's with us
    With constant love and care.

    © By M.S.Lowndes

    God Is Not Distant

    Do you ever feel that God
    Is distant and aloof?
    Do you wonder if He cares
    And has the time for you?

    Do you think Christ would've died
    If you were the only one?
    Do you think God had such love
    To have sent His only son?

    I think God cares enough for us
    To do this and much more
    He's never distant and aloof
    In this, you can be sure

    He always said He'd never leave,
    Nor will He forsake us,
    He only wants to spend some time,
    To share with us His love

    We often say, 'God doesn't care
    And there isn't any hope'
    But it's maybe at those desperate times,
    He's working in us the most

    God loves us all, way to much,
    To leave us as we are
    That's why He sends to us the rain
    To soften our hardened hearts.

    © By M.S.Lowndes

    Sometimes the Way is Hard

    Sometimes life's road we travel
    Can seem so awfully hard
    And our lives so very often
    Bear all the hurt and scars

    When will the turmoil end?
    We find we often ask,
    When our worries of the future
    Stir regrets of our past

    We need to take some time
    To lift our eyes to Jesus,
    For he knows us all so well
    And in His love, He sees us

    He just wants to be involved
    In each moment of our life,
    Bringing new out of what's old
    And peace instead of strife

    Giving life where there is death
    And hope where there's despair,
    For in this He expresses love,
    Concern and tender care…

    So, though the way seems hard
    And you don't know what to do,
    Know that you can trust in God
    Who always walks with you.

    © By M.S.Lowndes

    The Lord Is Eternal

    The Lord is eternal
    And full of constant love
    He won't fail you nor forsake you
    When you feel you've had enough

    The Lord is eternal
    And ever near to you
    He's always faithful to fulfil
    What He's promised He would do

    The Lord is eternal
    And always understands,
    That there are times you feel afraid—
    So, He holds you in His hands

    The Lord is eternal
    And created you to be
    In fellowship with Him each day
    And throughout eternity

    The Lord is Eternal!

    © By M.S.Lowndes

    Give God Your Burdens

    The Lord's unfailing love
    Can touch your heart today,
    Just give Him all your burdens
    Each time you kneel to pray

    Don't keep on holding on to
    The hurts of yesterday,
    You can nail them to the cross
    And then just walk away

    But remember as you do this,
    Not to pull them down once more,
    But just leave them there forever,
    Knowing you can trust the Lord

    For He has borne it all
    As He hung upon the tree
    So, you can know His freedom
    And walk in victory.

    © By M.S.Lowndes

    Loving Father

    Oh, my loving Father,
    Look down from heaven above
    And see me here before you,
    In desperate need of your love

    Lord, I feel so lonely,
    In need of your listening ear—
    I give to you my burdens,
    That I can no longer bear

    Oh, my blessed Saviour,
    To you, I lift my eyes—
    For you are my only hope,
    In you my trust doth lie

    Oh, Jesus Prince of Peace,
    Stay close to me tonight—
    And let me hold on to you
    'Till dawns first ray of light

    Oh, what joy to know,
    I'm in your loving care—
    For no harm shall befall me
    As I feel your presence near

    I praise you Lord Almighty,
    For on you, I can rely—
    Though my world around me
    May fall before my eyes

    You are a God of mercy
    And won't leave me this way,
    But you're there to lift me up
    When I bow my head and pray

    Oh, my precious Saviour,
    What love and joy is mine,
    For you have placed within me
    Your power and grace divine.

    © By M.S.Lowndes

    In Our Time Of Need, You Are There

    Give ear to our cry, O Lord
    And consider our meditation
    We give heed unto the voice of you
    As we cry out in desperation

    For you are our ever-lasting God,
    Ever present in time of need,
    Always there with a listening ear,
    Patiently hearing our pleas

    And you are there to wipe our tears
    As, to you, we pour out our souls
    And you gently reassure our hearts
    That you're able to make us whole

    For you are great and to be praised
    And show yourself more than enough,
    For we could never find another
    With your everlasting love.

    © By M.S.Lowndes

    God is Always There

    We often feel as though
    God is far away
    And we often feel that He
    Is distant when we pray

    So often we feel lonely,
    Not knowing where to turn
    Just a touch from God above,
    Our longing spirits yearn

    So many times in our lives,
    God seems slow to act
    We cry out in desperation,
    But it's faith we often lack

    For God is not being slow
    In coming to our aid
    He comes through in His time,
    We just need to learn to wait

    The Lord is never distant,
    He is there by our side
    And continues to walk with us
    Through the storms in our lives

    He always hears our hearts cry
    And answers all our prayers,
    He won't leave us all alone,
    For God is always there.

    © By M.S.Lowndes

    Since 1995

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    God bless us everyone!

    “Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.” -Galatians 6:1