Remembering Marshall & Millions my way in a poem to Louie.
Louie there are those in this life
Cry for you under all this strife
Our hearts and minds blown
The evil 7 heartless have flown
Lord hug you and hold you in hand
Marshall & Millions now in heaven's band
Mingling with all God's creatures, in love
Hungering for you as sweet as a dove
Hold dear all your blessed memories of them
All their kisses and joy loving you shining on a whim.
Throughout all the rest of your days and night
Someday the evil will pay, God making all right.
We love you Louie.
for your peace and happiness.

Copyright 2023 Gina Ann Day. Tennessee USA 

High five and blessings to the unknown artist
of image above.

♥(¯`'•.¸(¯`'•.¸*♥♥*¸.•'´¯)¸. • ' ´¯)♥
Gina Ann Day 1923
© Gina Ann Watkins Day
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